Monday, April 27, 2009

Reflection of Course

I really enjoyed EDM310. Before I took EDM310, I did not know what a blog was. I now have two blogs, a class blog and a professional blog. When I start teaching I plan on using a class blog for announcements, assignments, and parent reminders. I really liked doing the blog reading assignments it helped me to venture outside what I normally read. The class discussions about the blog reading assignments were extremely helpful because of the different views people had. I liked the Google Presentation we did too! It was very interesting to learn about my classmates. I did not like doing the Pod cast it was very tedious and time consuming. Overall I really enjoyed this class. I have a better knowledge of Google and a lot of information to take with me that can be used in the classroom.

Friday, April 10, 2009


I am not interested in using Twitter. I suppose if I had a lot of free time and no life I could use Twitter to follow my friends. The only way Twitter would serve as a positive tool is if one lived all alone, far away from their family. It would be a great way to overcome loneliness. As a teacher I don't see a need for Twitter because I would want a private life outside the classroom.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

About Me

I am a full time student at the University of South Alabama. I am working on my Batchlor's degree in Elementary Education. I hope to eventually receive a Master's Degree in counseling.